Credit Card Rewards

Let’s talk about credit card rewards. But first, let’s talk about mindset.  It takes a different mindset to make money verse saving money.  Making money is all about adding value to others while saving money is about making your dollar go further and often delaying instant gratification.  The trick to savings is getting to a point where it is automatic. Making the dollar go further, however, is about being creative and using the various tools at your disposal. One of them being credit cards. Credit cards can be one of your best resources for helping your money go further.  To that point, I live off my credit cards and try to put absolutely every purchase I make on them.


Credit Card Rewards


Credit cards are fantastic because of the rewards they give back.  Every dollar you would spend anyway can go towards enhancing your lifestyle. It could be points for a hotel stay, free flights, cashback, or much more. What is great about these rewards is that they do not cost you anything extra if you use your credit card correctly.

So here is how I use my credit cards and how I suggest others do the same.

First things first, if you buy anything on a credit card you must be able to pay it off immediately.  This is by far the most important part of all of this. This isn’t new advice, but it is solid advice. If you cannot pay off the monthly balance every month then this strategy is not for you and you should stick to a debit card or cash.  (Although, credit cards are a much easier way to track spending than using cash).

What I do is set up the payment to come out automatically every month and pay the statement balance in full. Yes, all of it. Every last penny.  This makes it really easy not to forget to take care of it at the end of the month.

Any bills that will allow me to pay with a credit card I will set it up to pay them automatically with the card.  Utility bills, gym memberships, home remodeling projects, business expenses, I even go as far as doing my charitable giving with my credit card when it allows.

The surprising thing is that the more available credit you have and do not use helps improve your credit score.  Some experts believe you should only use 30% of your available credit.  But honestly the more available credit you have the better, so do not hesitate to call your credit card company once or twice a year to ask for a limit increase. Remember, credit card companies compete ferociously with each other, this can really benefit you.

Also, be sure to watch out for companies charging you a processing fee for using a credit card. This is usually a case-by-case basis, but you need to make sure the points or rewards you are getting are worth any extra fees.  For example, the DMV wanted to charge me 3.25% for using a credit card, but I would have only received 2% cashback… in this case, I wrote a check.


Picking the best Credit Card Rewards


Today it seems like there is an unlimited number of types of credit cards you can get and each one has different rewards and benefits.  Some are for travel, some are cashback, and some are store-specific rewards. It can be confusing. Luckily, Money did a nice article about which cards are best in a variety of categories, check it out here: The Best Credit Cards of 2020.

Picking a card can be tricky and you need to think about how you spend your money to pick the best one.  I personally like to use the rewards for travel.  Well, when we can travel. (Thanks COVID) It is such a great feeling to stay at 5 Star hotel and not pay for it or get a night in the mountains during peak season ski sea for free.

It is also fun to fly for free.  My family and I usually get a least one free vacation a year.  Currently, I am stockpiling my points until some of the travel bans are lifted but plans are in the works.  Ask yourself how you spend money.  I have had clients use their points for new gear at REI, grocery runs at Costco or even Disney World tickets.  Which is going to add the most value to your life.  Keep it simple though, pick 2-3 and stick with it. Too many credit cards can get difficult to manage.

It really is about getting more for your dollar.  Because you pay off the balance each month, you do not incur interest charges or extra expenses. When I buy things on a credit card I am not spending more or buying things I would not normally buy.  These rewards allow me to save more money and still get the lifestyle I want.  It is like the best life hack.  Having the right credit cards can help you live a richer life!


Squeeze more out of your credit cards


Points and rewards are an obvious no-brainer. However, there are also some other advantages of paying with a credit card that are often overlooked. Some can give you longer warranties and insurance on your purchases. Many have great purchase protection options, far better than any debit card.  Some can provide trip cancellation insurance and/or car rental insurance. Plus, if you are lucky concierge services. Many services can help you plan your next trip, arrange for concert tickets, or even land a sought-after restaurant reservation. Think of it as your own personal assistant.

The list is long for the benefits of using credit cards to buy your everyday items and I only scratched the surface of how to maximize them.  Credit cards can be a wonderful tool but use them correctly and responsibly.  With great power comes great responsibility, or something like that! Now go forth and get those rewards.

Money Savings Secrets: Amazon Prime



Do you love saving money? Do you love Amazon? If you are anything like 50% of the U.S. population, we are guessing you do! A recent statistic showed that nearly half of U.S. households are Amazon Prime subscribers. While the free two-day shipping may be enough for many to sign up, Prime offers a ton of other money saving benefits (many of which you may not know about). So we have rounded up our top money saving secrets for Amazon Prime. We hope you and your wallet enjoy!


1. Save on Groceries:


All Prime members already get special in-store deals at Whole Foods, but they also now receive an extra 10% on sale items. Make sure you have the Whole Foods app downloaded and linked to your Amazon account for checkout.


2. Get free Books:


If your library card gets more of a workout than your ATM you will love this one. Prime members can download a free digital book every month, plus you can also borrow a book each month from Kindle Owner’s Lending Library. This perk is priceless, especially when it can be used to get these books.


3. Free Photo Storage:


This is one of our favorites! Prime Photos gives you unlimited photo storage- yes..unlimited! This is a great way to organize, store and share photos,  plus you can ditch any other service you have been paying for.


4. Earn Shopping Credits:


So you don’t really need your order in two days? Even better…select No-Rush Shipping and get discounts and rewards for future orders.


5. Free Music Streaming:


Prime members also get Prime Music which includes over 2 million songs. Create your own playlist and take your music with you- your membership gets your music on up to 10 devices.


6. Watch Free Movies and TV:


Prime Video is more commonly known but certainly still worth mentioning. You literally get thousands of free TV shows and movies, so ditch the Redbox and start saving. Plus their original shows are great (I mean, have you ever seen Jack Ryan?!) You’re welcome.


7. Free Magazines:


Travel + Leisure, Wired, Money, Good Housekeeping, and more…all free with your membership! These digital magazines are available through the Kindle app on any smartphone, tablet or computer.


8. Free Samples:


Amazon has a sample site that is a lot better than a cart battle at Costco. Some are free, some are not, but even if you pay for a sample you will get a credit towards a future purchase.


9. Get Exclusive Deals:


As a Prime Member, you get special deals and discounts. 25% off dog food, 50% off sunscreen- you name it- make sure to browse through member deals as they change often.


10. Get 2% Rewards with Amazon Reload:


Amazon Reload offers a 2% reward every time you reload your Gift Card balance.


Who knew Prime had so many perks?!

The question, however,  still remains- is the $119 per year worth it? Analysts recently scrutinized all the perks that Prime membership now offers, and estimated that it is worth $785 annually. We’d say that’s a deal!

Have you used any of these Amazon Prime Money Savings Secrets? Any we forgot? Not yet a Prime Member- not to worry, you can sign up here.


Spread the love- Be sure to share this post!


Amazon Prime Money Saving Tips

Please note this post includes affiliate ad links -As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

3 Questions to ask before making any financial decision


Whether it is hiring a financial advisor, picking a mutual fund, or refinancing your mortgage it is a good idea to ask a lot of questions when it comes to your money. However, if you only ask a few, here are our top 3 questions to ask before making any financial decision.


What is the investment philosophy?


Make sure to ask yourself if the investment makes sense to you. It may be great for 99% of the population but is it a fit for you and your current situation. Does it match up with your risk tolerance and timeline?  Really take the time to contemplate this.  Further, do you understand it? Or is it too complex? Understanding this will help move you forward in a meaningful way.


Do I trust the person giving the advice or offering the investment?


Simply put, what is your gut telling you about who is behind this. What is the person’s credibility and credentials? Was it your cousin Eddie spouting off a stock tip at the family reunion? Or a longtime friend and financial advisor who has been in the industry for years? It may seem like a no-brainer to ask this question, but it is sometimes easy to get caught up in the hype of the product and the potential returns.

A quick way to tell if an advisor truly has your best interest in mind is if they are CFP® (Certified Financial Planner)- learn more on that here, but in short, it means they are a true fiduciary and must have your best interest in mind regardless of commissions. Trust is so important, don’t take it lightly.


What is the downside risk, and can I afford it?


What can you stand to lose? Sure, look at what the potential of the investment is, but don’t ignore the risk. Make sure the amount you invest matches your risk tolerance. The old saying stands true here- “Don’t put all your eggs into one basket.”  Before you make an investment decision know the risks.

Short and simple, those are the top 3 questions to ask before making any financial decision!

Are you considering an investment and aren’t sure if it is right for you? Asked these questions and are still unsure? We are here to help…just set up a call.


10 Books for a Better Money Mindset

10 Books for a Better Money Mindset


The list of personal finance and investing books is pretty extensive. This is not that list. While those books can be helpful, many get very technical, and if your mindset isn’t in the right place to take in that knowledge – what is the point?  Plus, technical knowledge alone won’t lead you towards a wealthy and rich life (financial or otherwise). A lot of what holds people back from success are their thoughts and beliefs about money. 




What stories do you tell yourself about money?


For some, and as society has come to reinforce, is that money is the root of all evil, or that rich people are greedy, or some other negative belief along those lines. Living with a negative or scarce mindset will never lead you to a positive or abundant life. In fact, research shows that one of the BEST predictors of success in life is one’s mindset.


Get your mind right, get your life right!


So then, what is this list? This is a list of books for a better money mindset.  Some talk specifically about money, others don’t, but all should spark something in your mind and help you view the world, and your money in a different and more positive way.  Let’s get to it!



1. Mindset by Carol Dweck


This is an obvious first choice because, well, this book is THE book about mindset.  There are decades of research behind this book that gets translated into specific, actionable, and tangible detail. Dweck has a very compelling view of why we should look differently at failure and learning. Further, this book helps you to evaluate if you are approaching your money from a fixed or growth perspective. There is a huge difference, which is why I recommend this book.

You can pick it up here.

Books for a Better Money Mindset


2. Start with Why by Simon Sinek


Simon Sinek is a genius when it comes to getting to the heart of why you should do something, not how.  Why do you want more money? Certainly, it’s not to have more pieces of paper with dead Presidents on them laying around. Defining what is truly behind your financial goals will help propel you in the right direction. You will discover that money is never really the WHY.

The book is here (or audiobook). Sinek also has a powerful TED Talk around this concept as well.

Books for a Better Money Mindset



3. The Power of Broke by Daymond John


Shark Tank investor and entrepreneur Daymond John was broke with a $40 budget when he was starting his clothing brand FUBU, which today is a $6 billion brand. How is that for bootstrapping?! This book is great for putting money into perspective. It shows that it doesn’t always take money to make money (another disempowering colloquialism that society has)- the book has so many perfect examples of this. Use your lack of financial resources to your advantage. We also recommend this book to those well off because it can reignite a hustle you may have lost along the way.

This is a must-read for anyone- get it here or on audiobook.

Books for a Better Money Mindset


4. The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle


This book is grounded in science. It doesn’t skip straight to the “here’s how it works, go do that”, instead, it helps you understand what influences the development of your skills and as a result helps you become a better learner in all areas. This book has expanded my mind and it is another great perspective builder. There are practical stories and examples of the concepts. Above all, Coyle shows how all of us can achieve our full potential (and the best money mindset) if we set about training our brains in the right way.

Check it out here, or again on audiobook.

Books for a Better Money Mindset


5. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


This is a classic and one of those books I revisit at least once a year. It is that good. If you haven’t read it, stop what you are doing and read it already.  In fact, I believe this should be required reading for high school students. In the book, Napoleon Hill recounts his research of more than 500 self-made millionaires (keep in mind the book was originally published in 1937) and then he boils down the “secret” to building wealth into 13 principles and reveals “major causes of failure” that hold many of us back from getting rich. This should really be on every list of books for a better money mindset, or self-improvement book list in general.

If you haven’t read it, do yourself a favor and pick up a copy today. Get one for yourself and two more as gifts for a recent grad.

Books for a Better Money Mindset


6. The Inner Game of Tennis by W. Timothy Gallwey 


I had to convince my wife to read this because she isn’t a huge Tennis fan, she read it and loved it. So, if you are not a  big Tennis Fan either, simply ignore the title and read on.  This book is about how to master your inner dialog. The inner game of tennis theory states that two opposing mindsets are always battling. The first, the “teller” mind which is filled with self-judgments and criticism. This mindset wants to over-control your performance.  The second “doer” mindset is the best mindset for peak performance and happens when you are free and react with your game. You must master both.  Again, master your mind- master your money.

Definitely worth a read. You can pick it up here.

Books for a Better Money Mindset

7. The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley Ph.D.


This book examines the lives of unlikely, unexpected millionaires. It goes into the habits, careers, and relationships that shape these people. Some of the material is dated to the 90’s but the concept is still applicable today- especially the principle that wealth is more common than you would think, actually it that might be even more relevant today. There is lots of practical advice in this classic book and one worth checking out.

Available in paperback or audiobook.

Books for a Better Money Mindset


8. The Other 90% by Robert K. Cooper


I believe there are two main problems with the majority of self-help and leadership books. First, the vast majority of self-improvement books don’t seem to challenge conventional thinking in any meaningful way, nor do they bring about fresh insights. Second, they tend to offer oversimplified platitudes about success. The other 90% goes in the opposite direction.  Dr. Robert Cooper, a neuroscience pioneer, urges us to take a radically different view of human capacity. We are mostly unused potential, he says, employing less than 10 percent of our brilliance or hidden talents. This book provides action steps to develop your full potential in all areas of your life.

Books for a Better Money Mindset


9. Unfu*k Yourself by Gary John Bishop


I love this book because it offers a no-BS, tough-love approach to help you move past self-imposed limitations. It is a great alternative to cozy, everything is rainbows, self-help books. Beyond the catchy title, it offers practical insights on fostering the will for change, changing your language to serve you, and overcoming analysis paralysis. It drives home the point, quite bluntly, that you currently have the life (and the money mindset) that you are willing to put up with. It is certainly a refreshing read and why it made our list of books for a better money mindset.

Pick up the paperback or audiobook here.


10. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg


Habits around money can either be the most empowering or the most detrimental. This book walks you through everything you need to know about breaking and forming habits that will transform your life, and of course your money mindset. This book is a fascinating account of recent research into habits and worth the time to read it. What cues some of your current money habits? What rewards do you have in place for your good habits? Do you have a plan in place to create better habits around money? This book dives into it all. Change might not be fast and it isn’t always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped.

The paperback or the audiobook is great!

The Power of Habit - Books for a Better Money Mindset


There you have it! Our top Ten Books for a Better Money Mindset. Have you read any of these already? Are there others you would add to the list? We hope you find value in these and that at least one resonates with you in a way that makes you want to intentionally improve your mindset,  because if you improve your mindset- you improve your life!


What’s next? 


Reading all these books is a great starting place to helping to develop a better money mindset, however, that’s not where it should end. We want to be by your side in your journey. Let’s talk! We offer free 30-minute consultation calls that can help get your questions answered and you pointed in the right direction towards your goals. Reach out to us to set up a call and use the link below for the time that works best for you!

Money Mindset Coach


Pin for later….

Books for a Better Money Mindset

Please note this post includes affiliate ad links -As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


Is Insurance an Investment?

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Is Insurance an Investment?

The simple answer is no. You don’t view car insurance as an investment, so why would life insurance be?

If insurance is not an investment, why do we have insurance? Simple, it is for protecting your assets and for protecting your loved ones.

Think about this… You have car insurance and homeowner’s insurance, but why?  It’s so you will be covered if you get into an accident, or are stuck in an unreal hail storm, or if the water heater breaks and floods the basement, or in the unlikely event your house catches fire.

In all these cases people purchase insurance to make sure that they are not going to have to pay the full amount to get back to whole after something terrible happens. That’s it.

We have yet to meet a person who bought car or homeowners insurance as an investment thinking they were going to make money or get returns off the insurance.

Why is life insurance different?

It’s so that your loved ones are taken care of if something happens to you.  If you are no longer here, who or what is going to replicate the income you generate? Most people say that if they pass on early or unexpectedly they want their family to be able to maintain the same quality of life.

The important questions to ask yourself are:

  1. How much do I need to achieve the goal?
  2. What is the most effective and inexpensive way to achieve that goal?

There are certain factors to think about that will help determine what kind of insurance to buy and how much. These factors include your time frame, health, and resources (other investable assets).

When you ask these questions you are looking at insurance from a needs-based approach. It helps you find a solution that fits your particular situation.  When acting from this point of view, very rarely does a whole life or universal life product make sense.  Term life insurance normally gives you the greatest amount of coverage for the least amount of money.

Why do people say life insurance is an investment?

Well, have you ever gone to see a movie and walked out a little disgruntled saying “Man, the best parts were in the trailer, why did I even go?!”  That is the feeling most people get when they buy insurance as an investment. The story or sales pitch was better than the product and the only winner was the one selling the insurance.

In the end, people often say “my advisor said it would be like a forced savings that I can borrow against, but I have no idea what it is” or “they said it grows tax-free or something like that” It is one thing to waste your money on a $15 movie, it is another thing to waste thousands of dollars on insurance you think is an investment but in reality doesn’t meet your needs.

If your financial advisor has tried to pitch you insurance as an investment, you don’t have a financial advisor, you have a salesperson. 

Insurance is not an investment.

Here are some facts on whole life insurance, universal life insurance, portfolio or permanent life products that should help bring some perspective:

  • They cost a lot more to get the same amount of coverage as a term policy.
  • There are hidden fees.  You can find them buried in the 8 pt. font 20+ page contract. Are you up for some “light” reading?
  • These products pay big commissions to the insurance salesmen, which they do not have to disclose to you.
  • If you borrow against it, your death benefit will be reduced, and your loved ones will be left with less.
  • If you do mix investment with insurance, i.e. you ‘invest’ in insurance products like endowment or money-back plans, your returns are bad, and limited at best. Usually less than 3 or 5%.
  • When you die with a cash value, they only pay out the face amount, not the extra money you’ve put into it. Your extra investment vanishes- they keep it.
  • And finally, you are borrowing the money so there is interest to be paid, which means you pay even more.

These products have many moving parts and are quite convoluted. Many clients come to us asking for help to understand what they bought from someone else and how it works.

In most cases, we end up having to call the insurance company to get full indoctrination of the product so that we can understand that if this happens, that happens, and so forth and so on. Whole life and universal life products simply have too many variables.

Insurance unfortunately is unnecessarily complicated, but it doesn’t need to be.

If you understand that insurance is not an investment, the picture can come into focus. Term life is more than often the best solution for the lowest cost. The best way to buy it is through a broker or advisor who shops several companies to get you the best deal. Which, by the way, is what we do.

We’d love to discuss this more with you and truly find a solution that meets your needs, so give us a call and join us around the fire.

4 Reasons to Hire a CFP ®

4 Reasons to Hire a CFP ®


Managing your finances can be difficult and time-consuming. However, finding someone to handle your finances can be just as challenging. Want a tip to make it easier? Hire A CFP ®.

People often ask us what is a CFP ®, how are they different from other financial advisors, and the reasons to hire a CFP ®. We are going to be breaking all that down for you today.


What Is a CFP® Professional?


First, it’s more than just an acronym. Unlike some designations that are worth little more than the paper they’re printed on, the CFP ® (CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™) designation is one of the most esteemed financial certificates around.  Each CFP ® is held to an extremely high standard and requires an immense amount of work. Typically nine months to two years of study.

In the US there are only 81,109 CFPs ® and only 2,274 in the state of Colorado, according to the CFP® Board professional demographics.  The exam itself is a grueling 7-hour test that assesses the financial advisor’s ability to apply principles of financial planning. It covers all areas of insurance, investments, income taxes, retirement, estate planning, ethics and conduct, and financial plan development, among many other skills.

Beyond the test, there is so much more that goes into the certification. We have condensed it down to the top 4 Reasons to Hire a CFP®.


4 Reasons to Hire a CFP ®


  1. Fiduciary Standard
  2. Ethics Code:
  3. Fitness Standards:
  4. Experienced Life-Long Learners


1. Fiduciary Standard:

Currently, the SEC has NO uniform fiduciary standard that applies to all financial professionals who provide personalized investment advice. This means there is no oversight to protect consumers and clients from paying excessive commissions or receiving substandard performance. Consumers are exposed to even greater and unnecessary risks from products that may be deemed suitable (more on that here) for them but are inferior to other available options and not necessarily in their best interests.

The CFP ® Board has a Code and Fiduciary Standards that require CFP ® professionals to act in the best interest of the client at all times when providing financial advice. So, as a CFP ®, we have a legal requirement to act in your best interest, all the time. In addition to this standard, Bonfire Financial is also a Registered Investment Advisor which furthers this obligation.


2. Ethics Code:

All CFP ® practitioners agree to abide by a strict code of professional conduct, known as CFP ® Board’s Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility, that sets forth ethical responsibilities to the public and clients. This ensures we act with honesty, integrity, competence, diligence, and offer services objectively.

It’s a pledge to protect the confidentiality of all client information, avoid or disclose and manage conflicts of interest and always act in the client’s best interests.


3. Fitness Standards:

Further, the CFP ® Board has also established specific character and fitness standards for the CFP ® certification. This ensures that an individual’s prior conduct would not reflect adversely upon the profession or the CFP ® certification marks. This helps you know that if you hire a CFP ® you won’t find out later that they have:

    • A felony conviction for theft, embezzlement, or other financially-based crimes.
    • A felony conviction for tax fraud or other tax-related crimes.
    • Revocation of a financial license (e.g. registered securities representative, broker/dealer, insurance, investment advisor).
    • A felony conviction for any degree of murder or rape.
    • A conviction for any other violent crime within the last five years.
    • A felony conviction for non-violent crimes (including perjury) within the last five years.
    • Personal or business bankruptcies.


4. Experienced Life-Long Learners:

CFP ® professionals are required to complete 3 years of experience related to delivering financial planning services to clients. They also must have a bachelor’s degree prior to earning the right to be a CFP ®. This real-life experience means that CFP ® professionals have practical financial planning knowledge. They can truly help you create a realistic financial plan that fits your individual needs.

Once certified, CFP ® professionals are required to maintain technical competence and fulfill ethical obligations. Every two years, they must complete a minimum of 30 hours of continuing education to stay current with developments in the financial planning profession and better serve clients.

Need more reasons to hire a CFP ®? We’d love to answer any other questions on what it means to have a CFP ® working for you, feel free to contact us.

At Bonfire Financial we pride ourselves on having a team of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERs™.


4 Reasons to Hire a CFP


Differences Between an IRA and 401k

IRA vs 401k: What’s the Difference:


There are some common misconceptions about the difference between an IRA (Individual retirement account) and a 401k plan. While these two are very similar there are some distinct differences that make each unique.

Before we tackle the difference between an IRA and a 401k it’s important to note that these are not investments.  They are simply accounts.  Just because you have an account open does not mean you have an investment that will grow and help fund your retirement.  Much the same way that just because you own a refrigerator doesn’t mean you actually have any food in it. You have to add to it.

To continue with this analogy…  in your fridge, you can have a variety of different types of food (juice, pickles, eggs, beer, and anchovies- if you’re into that sort of a thing). In an IRA and 401k you can have different investments too.  Such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, commodities, real estate, and more. You can also change or “throw out” the investments in your IRA or 401k if you’ve left them in the back of the fridge for too long. You know like that 3lb. jar of mayo you bought for that party that one time.

Now that you are hungry, let’s get to the dive-in.


Overview of an IRA vs. 401K:


You probably know fundamentally that saving for retirement is one of the single best things you can do financially. You don’t want to rely on social security, you don’t want to run out of money, you don’t want to be a financial burden to your children, and you want to enjoy your golden years. All great reasons to have a retirement plan! So which retirement plan is best for you?

Both IRAs and 401Ks have tax benefits and are among the most common defined contribution plans. The good news is that you don’t have to choose one over the other. To maximize your retirement savings, you can and should, if possible, contribute to both an IRA and 401k.

The key to note is that a 401k, named for the section of the tax code that discusses it, is an employer-based plan and an IRA is an individual retirement plan. Got it?

First up let’s look at how a 401K and IRA are alike.


The Similarities:


  • Both allow you to put money in on a tax-deferred basis. Meaning that taxes are not due at the time when you add money. For example, if you make $50,000 and decide to invest $2,000 of it into your IRA or 401k, the $2,000 is not going to be part of your taxable income.
  • Your money within an IRA or 401k can be invested in a variety of ways.
  • The money that is invested is allowed to grow tax-deferred. You do not have to pay taxes on the gains from your investments until you take the money out.  If you make $1,000 off of your $2,000 investment, you now have $3,000 in your account and you will not have to pay taxes on that gain until you withdrawal the money.
  • When you do withdrawal the money for whatever amount it will be considered part of your taxable income. You will own taxes on the withdrawal amount. Let’s say you withdrawal the $2,000 and your current annual income is $50,000 after the withdrawal your taxable income will be $52,000.
  • Since an IRA and 401k are designed for retirement the money that you invest is not supposed to withdraw until after the age of 59 ½. You read that correctly -the government added in a half, well, because your inner 6-year-old knows it’s that important. If you withdraw the money prior to 59 ½ you will pay a 10% penalty on the money plus the amount withdrawn is now part of your taxable income.
  • Also, the government mandates that at age 71 ½ (again the half) you have to take out a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD).  Basically, they tell you the amount that you must pay taxes on.  Quick note, if you are still employed at age 71 ½ and not the owner you can delay your RMDs.


The Differences:


While an IRA and a 401k have many similarities, they do differ is a few very key areas.  The main one being that an IRA is Individual Retirement Account, so it is yours and yours alone. Anyone can have one. A 401k is company-sponsored, so you can only participate in it if your employer offers one.   Some other key differences are:

  • Since a 401k is employer sponsored typically the employer will match a percentage of their employees’ contributions up to a certain limit or percentage. There is no option for  this in an IRA.
  • Consequentiallybecause a 401K is employer-sponsored your investment options are limited to what the employer offers. Whereas an IRA will allow you to have more variety in terms of stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.
  • Loan or hardship withdrawals are available for 401ks. However, IRAs generally do not permit loans or early
  • withdrawals.
  • An IRA has certain income limts and a 401k does not.
  • Finally, the contribution limits are different and change from year to year. Check with your financial advisor or go here to learn about the current years’ limits.


Difference Between an IRA and 401k- A Venn Diagram

Differences between an IRA and a 401k

Which is Right For You?


It depends really. If you have the option of putting your money into an employer-sponsored 401k or an IRA you should do both. Max them out if possible. We recommend prioritizing the 401k first especially if your employer offers a match and then adding to an IRA if you are within the income limits.

This hopefully gives you a good overview of the differences between an IRA and a 401k. While there are many factors to consider, the most important thing to remember is that both are great tools to use to help achieve your retirement goals.

Are you interested in learning about a Roth?  We’ve got a great article here for you.

Have other questions? Setup a call with us HERE!

How do Financial Advisors Get Paid?



Do you ever wonder how financial advisors get paid? If so you are not alone. It has been estimated that more than one in five people who have a financial advisor does not know what they are paying in advisory fees. You don’t hire a plumber or join a gym without knowing the cost. So why be in the dark about the cost of a financial advisor?

It should be simple enough…sadly, it’s not really straightforward. Understanding the compensation for financial advisors is often puzzling. It’s a perpetual source of confusion, so we are here to break it down.

Let’s first look at 3 different types of advisors you could choose to work with.


3 Types of Financial Advisors:


  1. A broker or broker-dealer
  2. Hybrid or dually registered advisor
  3. Register investment advisor


Broker or Broker Dealer:


First, if an advisor is a broker, which the majority of advisors are, they receive a commission based on the products that they sell and the investments they recommend.

The commission can be upfront (when you buy), it can be on the back end (when you sell), or it can be trailing (they get paid a portion annually).  The problem is that with most of them you “should” read the prospectus (the gigantic legal document you get when you buy or get sold a product and throw away when it arrives in the mail) to find out what you are really paying.

Moreover, there is an even bigger problem with brokers which has to do with what is in your best interest.  They only follow the “suitability” standard. This says the product or recommendation only needs to be “suitable” for the client. This suitability standard is established by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) a private nongovernmental organization.

The suitability standard is problematic.

For instance, a broker could recommend a Mutual Fund that is ten times more expensive to own than a comparable Exchange Trade Fund, and that is acceptable because it’s “suitable” for the investor.  This obviously raises questions as to why a broker would prefer one investment over the other.

Many brokers push annuities as they are notorious for heavy hidden commissions, but keep in mind any investment could carry a commission. Mutual funds can carry sales loads up to 8.5% and brokers may take 1 to 2% off of a bond’s value for themselves. Think of it as a kickback.

To us, this is a huge conflict of interest and why Bonfire Financial is not a broker.


Dually registered or a hybrid advisor:


Next, let’s look at advisors that are dually registered or hybrid advisor.  There are some nuances between to a hybrid/dual-registered advisor. For the purposes of this discussion let’s focus on the fact that they are registered investment advisors AND licensed through FINRA (again, a private corporation that acts as a self-regulatory organization).

While that sounds good on the surface there are issues with this format.  As a registered investment advisor, they act as fiduciaries and do what is in the best interest of the clients. Great news, but they are also filing with FINRA to sell products as a broker. What? Yes, they can sell investment products and collect a commission.

These advisors can wear two hats with the same client. Not a good look.   They can have accounts which they are acting as fiduciaries on and then have another account with the same client in which they act as brokers and only follow the suitably standard.

In a recent research paper published by Nicole Boyson, professor of finance at Northeastern University, The Worst of Both Worlds? Dual-Registered Investment Advisers, she finds dual registrants “have numerous conflicts of interest.” These include cross-selling insurance products, revenue sharing with third-party mutual fund companies, and selling proprietary investment products. She also found dual registrants charge an average of 2.1% on assets under management. This is much higher than the 1% fee most registered investment advisers collect. On top of that, they are more likely to be the subject of disciplinary actions by securities regulators.

How can someone be a fiduciary to a client but not on all their accounts or money?  I am still scratching my head on this one.  In my opinion, a client would never really know if the recommendations were in their best interest or not! This model was a pass for Bonfire.


Registered Investment Advisor:


Finally, there is the Registered Investment Advisor (RIA). These advisors have a legal obligation to act as fiduciaries.  Meaning that they have to act in your best interest at all times. They also must register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC is a governmental agency responsible for protecting investors.

Further, a Registered Investment Advisor must explain upfront how they receive compensation. Fees range but generally average somewhere between 1-2% of the total value of the investments under management. An RIA must disclose any conflicts of interest.  RIAs usually earn their revenue through a management fee comprised of a percentage of assets held for a client. However, the most important thing to know about RIAs is that they must act as fiduciaries for their clients.

Unfortunately, few advisors that are acting full-time in this capacity, less than 13,000 total in the US, surprising, right?


Fee-Only Vs. Fee-Based


Another thing to consider in determining how financial advisors are paid is whether they are Fee-Only or Fee-Based. While the term Fee-Based may sound very similar to Fee-Only, there are important distinctions.

The Fee-Based model can be susceptible to the same conflicts of interest that the commission structure has. There are many advisors who are mostly fee-based and the majority of their revenues come from fees, yet they can offer you a mutual fund or an investment that normally has a commission, and a conflict.

Fee-Only advisors don’t sell products, don’t accept commissions and they operate as true fiduciaries. Fee-only advisors work for their clients and clients pay an hourly rate, a fixed annual retainer or a percentage of the investment assets.


In conclusion:


I have always strived to be upfront and honest with people and my clients.  At a young age, I started my career at a big wire-house and believed I was a fiduciary for my clients and that I could act in their best interest.  However, the more I was learning, the more I began to realize the cards were against me. Decisions made at the top made it difficult to truly act in the manner of a fiduciary.  I was a vegan in a butcher shop, a sheep in wolf’s clothing.

So, I made a switch and I started Bonfire Financial, a Fee-Only Registered Investment Advisor.  Now my core values are in line with the company I am with and I can be a true fiduciary all the time.

If you have any other questions on how Financial Advisors get paid, or if you are curious what category your advisor falls in, feel free to give us a call. 

Why Bonfire Financial?

The story behind the name.



As I look back on my life some of the best memories and conversations have happened sitting around the fire.  I have been pumped up at a homecoming bonfire. Inspired by having deep conversations with friends about the future around the fire. I have felt close to my family on camping trips roasting marshmallows on the fire, and I have felt at peace sitting at a fire and staring at the stars.  Fire is life and all of these are moments are cherished.


Life is meant to be experienced.


That sounds good and all but I am a financial advisor and what does that have to do with financial advising?

I say everything!  Or at least it should.  Money is a vehicle for those experiences and the time to enjoy those moments.  The more money you have, the more experiences you can afford to have with your family and friends. You can give more to the causes you care about. The more peace of mind you can have.


I wanted to create a company that focused on that outcome, not just dollar figures.


Everyone has different goals and dreams and how they want to spend their life. What Bonfire Financial does is focus on those and come up with solutions to meet them as efficiently and as quickly as possible. My hope is that our clients will enjoy even more moments sitting around the proverbial bonfire celebrating their lives.

In the many years I have spent in the financial industry I have seen that most financial companies only focus on the bottom line. They prioritize their shareholders’ value.  This means that the decisions made about the company are not necessarily about how to add more value to the client. They are often about how to improve the share price.  A good share price is nice but it comes at the expense of the client, and the employees of the company.


So why is Bonfire Financial different?


We created Bonfire Financial as a fee-only registered investment advisory firm (RIA) so that we could be true fiduciaries to our clients. Further, all of our advisors are CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERs™  As such, we must do what’s in the best interest of our clients at all times.  In effect, putting our clients first, which is where we think they should be. We have a belief that if we add more value to our clients than anyone else, not only will they be happy, the company will thrive.

So, as a constant reminder of these philosophies, we came up with a name that reminds us to focus on the client’s outcome every day so that hopefully soon we will all be sitting around the fire celebrating!

All the best,


President & CEO | Bonfire Financial


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